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The Philhealth Nationwide Run 2013 in February 17, 2013 was the 2nd fun run I joined. My barkada had such a great time with the Red Cross Million volunteer run that we had to repeat the experience. We chose another run that would benefit health care just like with the first run. I just chanced upon the poster of the Philhealth run in one of the LRT stations, and that was that.

with my original running group
It was our first time to 10 km and it was so tiring! We ran from Luneta to EDSA and back. We ran but, most of the time, we walked and took pictures. Haha. Back then I was still not aware that there are lots of photographers in running event. If you wanted a souvenir, all you need to do was smile for their cameras :)

i was the group's designated photographer...

...so there were lots of selfies while running
We finished 10 km in 1 hour and 48 minutes. Yeah, we survived our first 10 km run! That was definitely better than 5 km! We received a finisher's certificate. Yey! I remember watching the finishers of the 18 km category and felt envious. Haha. Envious of their speed, of their endurance and of their medal. We told ourselves that one day we will run just as fast and just as long. :)

finishing 10k at 1 hour and 48 mins
not bad for first timers

happy with our finisher's certificate

10k run, check!
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