A blog dedicated to running as this gopher train his paws from a being newbie runner to a marathoner and beyond.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

the road so far

I love to walk.  I can walk for hours and be lost in my thoughts.  I think it was inevitable that later on I would discover running as my physical activity of choice.

I've only started running this year. I jog twice or thrice a week with my friends; and so far, I have joined six fun runs. I'm a newbie runner through and through.

Since, I started running I've noticed a lot of changes. I've lost weight, not much, but still worth celebrating.  My cardiovascular endurance has improved.  I can now walk three flights of stairs to the fourth floor without feeling winded. I can run longer and faster compared to when I started.  I want to document more of these changes and more of my discoveries as I continue running.  That's why I created this blog.

This will be a blog dedicated to running, as this gopher train his paws from a being newbie to a marathoner and beyond.